You know the feeling. You’re in a coffee shop, on a train, or in another public place trying to read. But it’s just so noisy! Then you have an exam tomorrow and thinking of buying earmuffs for studying the next time you hear that noise, but in the meantime, you’re thinking about what you can do to make it easier to read in a noisy environment.

We feel you!  It can be tough to concentrate with all the commotion going on around you. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips to help make it a little easier for you:

1. Find a quiet spot

Finding a good spot to read can be tricky. You want somewhere quiet so you can concentrate, but you also don’t want to be too isolated in case you need a break.

If you can, try to find a place that’s not too loud. Sometimes that’s not possible, but it’s worth a shot!

Look for somewhere to read where there are people around, but they’re not making too much noise.

A park is usually a good bet, or even a coffee shop if you can find one that’s not too busy. Once you’ve found your spot, make yourself comfortable and enjoy your book!

2. Use white noise to your advantage

If there’s too much going on around you, it can be helpful to use white noise to drown out the distractions.

There are lots of ways to create white noise, but one of the simplest is to just turn on a fan. The gentle hum of the blades will help mask any other noises and make it easier for you to concentrate.

You could also try using an app like Noisli, which lets you mix different sounds together to create your perfect environment.

3. Take breaks often

It’s important to take breaks when you’re reading, especially if it’s in a noisy environment.

Your brain can only concentrate for so long before it starts to get tired. When that happens, it’s harder to focus on the task at hand.

So every 20 minutes or so, take a few minutes to stand up and stretch your legs. Get some fresh air if you can. And most importantly, give your eyes a break from the pages of your book.

4. Use headphones

Headphones are a great way to block out distractions and help you focus on your reading.

If you don’t have any music playing, the noise-canceling feature will help to drown out any background noise. And even if you do have music playing the headphones’ sound can be enough to drown out any background noise.

And if you do want to listen to music, make sure it’s something calming that won’t distract you from your book.

5. Repeat what you’re reading in your head

This tip is more for when you’re trying to memorize something from your reading, but it can also help you focus on the task at hand.

As you read, try repeating what you’re seeing in your head. This will help solidify the information in your mind and make it easier to concentrate on what you’re reading.

6. Build a soundproof room

Now, this may be a  bit extreme, but if you just can’t concentrate in a noisy environment no matter what you do, you might need to consider building a soundproof room.

You can use things like acoustic panels and sound-absorbing materials to help deaden the noise. And if you really want to go all out, you can even install an acoustic wall that deadens the noise even further.

Of course, this is a bit of an investment, but if you find that you just can’t focus in any other environment, it might be worth it!

7. Reschedule your  reading time

If you just can’t find a quiet moment to read, you might need to try rescheduling your reading time.

Instead of trying to read in the middle of the day when there’s lots of noise, try reading early in the morning or late at night when things are more peaceful.

You might also want to try reading on the weekends when there’s less going on.

8. Use earmuffs

Of course,  if you can’t find a quiet place to read and don’t want to build a soundproof room, you could always just use earmuffs!

Earmuffs will help to deaden the noise around you and make it easier for you to focus on your book.

There are also stylish earmuffs that you can wear out in public without looking too silly.

We hope these tips help you the next time you’re trying to read in a noisy environment. And remember, just take it one page at a time!

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